SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement  

The SFI Centre for Research Training (CRT) in Foundations of Data Science recognises the value of diversity among its staff, students, and supervisors.  We have a strong belief in the rich benefits that different backgrounds and perspectives bring to problem-solving, decision-making, risk management, student engagement and more. We understand that creating a culture of inclusion is a long-term commitment involving a continuous process of self-assessment and improvement.

We will ensure that our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion is visible in all that the CRT does.  The current make-up of our CRT management, supervisors and students currently includes:

  • a 50/50 split of male and female academics on our Director and Vice-Director team;
  • 40%+ female students in our cohort of 116 students;
  • 40%+ female supervisors in our cohort of 100+ supervisors;
  • students from 16 different countries around the world.

The CRT management wish to cultivate a community where all individuals are welcome and create an inclusive space for all to reach their full potential. To achieve this, the CRT will:

  • Promote a culture of celebrating diversity, where the principles of equality and inclusion are embedded in all aspects of our work and where everyone is valued and treated with dignity and respect.
  • Assess and monitor our recruitment processes to ensure that these are fair, transparent, and inclusive. Recruitment decisions are made by a gender-balanced panel.
  • Actively increase the participation and proportion of women in STEM-related activities.
  • Ensure that the gender dimension is considered in research content.
  • Manage and progress the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda with the engagement of our students, staff and supervisors.