The CRT Programme

The Research Training Programme 

This large-scale collaborative initiative between the University of Limerick (UL), Maynooth University (MU) and University College Dublin (UCD) will train a cohort of 130+ PhD students with world-class foundational understanding in the horizontal themes of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Machine Learning. These fundamental themes will be fused together by applying them to real-world challenges across five vertical themes including Data Analytics, Privacy & Security, Health & Wellbeing, Smart Manufacturing, and Networks

Our unique PhD training programme fosters a cohort-based training environment, which supports our students to collaborate with industry through training and an industry training placement; to collaborate with international research teams, and to work across multiple disciplines. At the heart of our Centre vision is understanding the importance of preparing you, the student, with a wide breadth of technical and transversal skills to equip you with the skills to translate your research into meaningful, real-world applications.

Our Centre nurtures its top-class students for a career in research and industry by supporting a wide range of activities to complement the PhD journey. We train our students to become future leaders in the field of data science, an area where talent is in high demand both in Ireland and globally.

What makes our Centre different?

  • Engage with industry leaders in your workshops and lectures.
  • Train as a cohort over a 4 year period and be supported in a unified Centre for Research Training environment.
  • Attend lectures delivered by domestic and internationally renowned academics and thought-leaders.
  • Train with SME’s and MNC’s at the forefront of data science innovation during a 12-week industry training placement in year one of your programme.
  • Opportunity to collaborate with research groups overseas in top-ranked universities worldwide.
  • Develop a broad range of mathematical, statistical and computational skills through bespoke modules created specifically for our Centre.
  • Strong focus on transversal skills acquirement throughout the 4 years of study through bespoke CRT modules

Structure of the 4-year programme

In Year 1, starting in September annually, students will undertake vibrant and cohort-building mandatory training in the underpinning horizontal themes (Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Machine Learning) in block sessions across all three institutes. In the Spring semester, train with your cohort in bespoke modules delivered by the Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick on Research Impact, Entrepenurialship, Creative & Innovative Thinking for Researchers and learn how to gain an understanding of how your research can have an impact on industry, the economy, and society. Throughout year one, students will engage in group and individual mini-research projects and will spend 12-weeks on a training placement in industry during the summer of Year 1.

During year one you have the opportunity to meet with our 100+ CRT Named Supervisors. With their guidance, you will define your own research topic to carry out during years 2-4 of your PhD programme, under their supervision.

FDS1 – Foundations of Data Science 1

Foundations of Data Science 1 is a block taught series of advanced lectures in Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Machine Learning delivered by a variety of leading academics across the University of Limerick, Maynooth University and the University College Dublin, and guest speakers who are thought-leaders in the field of data science. 

FDS2 – Foundations of Data Science 2

Foundations of Data Science 2 is the second in a block taught series of advanced lectures in Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Machine Learning delivered by a variety of leading academics across the University of Limerick, Maynooth University and the University College Dublin, and guest speakers who are thought-leaders in the field of data science.

Research Impact – Bridging the gap between Rigour and Relevance

This module aims to prepare students to design their own research impact pathway and engage in ‘impact by design’ through stakeholder analysis. Students will gain a deeper understanding of how research has the potential to have significant real impacts (beyond academia) on industry, the economy, and society which is imperative for reasons of advocacy, accountability, analysis, and allocation.

Entrepreneurial, Creative & Innovative Thinking for Researchers

This module aims to develop the student’s entrepreneurial, innovation and creative skills enabling them to realise the commercial and societal impact of their research. Students will gain an understanding of how to critically evaluate key concepts, frameworks and best practices for validating the commercial, user and societal impact and value of research beyond the lab and into a company and industrial market contexts

Winter Symposium

The Winter Symposium is an annual event that will be designed and delivered by the students. The event will highlight the research and horizontal and vertical theme interests of the student body in a group presentation style event.

Maths Knowledge Exchange

This highly-participative short course covers the essentials of good mathematics knowledge exchange. It focusses on developing skills relevant to the whole process of using mathematics to solve real-world problems, including: problem formulation; active listening; effective communication; and expectation management. It will also cover how to present results and conclusions to a non-specialist audience in a clear and persuasive way.

European Study Groups with Industry (ESGI)

ESGI is as intense week-long problem-solving workshop where leading local and international academics gather to brainstorm problems that are proposed by industry, with the ultimate aim of presenting solutions to the industry by the end of the week. 

Masterclass Series

CRT students have access to a wide range of world-class academic leaders in the data science field. Our masterclasses are one-day advanced training sessions delivered by top-class academics in our international collaborator group.

Networking with industry

The programme fosters an environment of collabortation with our Enterprise Alliance partners from day one. Our Enterprise Alliance members train alongside our students, participating in lectures and masterclasses. Throughout the 4 years PhD students will interact with our Enterprise Alliance partners through formal and informal networking sessions to find potential synergies and project partnerships.